This weekend was full of lace, lavender and tiffany blue! Oh and dirt, but I'll get to that :). I video taped a girl's wedding from church and HAD A BLAST!! Here's a quick pic of the gorgeous bride and groom...
However, I wanted to be sure that my groom and I celebrated our day as well, so here's a look back on the past 5 years via blog posts...

I wrote this poem here for our 1 year anniversary, but I wanted to re-post the whole thing just in case you don't click on the link :)
You put on a tux and looked your best
One year ago you held some flowers
Your back was turned for what seemed like hours
One year ago you turned around
and for the first time that day we looked each other up and down
One year ago pictures were taken
one after the other memories we were making
One year ago I rode a horse and carriage
to begin a life and a long lasting marriage
One year ago the raindrops fell
I didn't even cry or yell
One year ago my daddy gave me away
after the clouds parted and dropped down the rays
One year ago we both said "I Do"
We became one in something new
One year ago was one of the best days of my life
I love living God's plan and being your wife
Happy Anniversary Gary!! I love you!!
During our 2nd year of marriage we traveled the world!!!!
We're moving to Malaysia
Thanksgiving in Malaysia
First Chinese Wedding
A Malaysian New Years
My Birthday - Malaysia Style
Our Awesome Church Family in Malaysia
Sleepover with the youth from church
We went to Singapore, but I guess I never blogged about it...sad day!!
We went to India...Twice!!
Celebrated our 2 year anniversary in Chicago!!
Year 3:
A look back on 5 years of dating...this includes some Singapore pictures :)
We bought a car!
Gary lost his Grandfather
We got dirty in the Warrior Dash
First Marriage Retreat!!
One of Many No Shave Novembers
We went camping for our 3 year anniversary!!
Year 4:
Gary turned the big 3-0!!
New Zealand in a few days, which included an SFT Workshop
Oregon/Cali for Brandon and Kelsy's Wedding
I lost my Grandfather!
We got pregnant!!!!!!
There was no anniversary trip because we were too busy lovin' on our Wrennie!!
Year 5 has pretty much evolved around our sweet little baby, but it's been soooo fun and I love seeing Gary as a Daddy!!
Our first Family Retreat.
We I Love Softball!!
Our first 4 day trip away from Wren.
A post I wrote about Gary :). Love him!!
A look back on our sweet girl's first year!
Last weekend after the wedding was complete and I taught my Sunday morning 2 year old class, we loaded up the car to the camp ground! First family camping trip was AMAZING!!!

This weekend, Wren is staying with my parents and Gary and I are headed to East Tennessee for a friend's wedding and a little alone time ;).
I love this man and have loved every minute of the past 5 years of marriage!!! I've loved the sad times, the happy times, the hurtful times and the shameful times because no matter what I know that he loves me and that's the best feeling in the world!!
Happy Anniversary to my sweet sweet husband!!
P.S. I think I've really been in a look back mood lately...hope y'all are enjoying as much as I am :)Thanksgiving in Malaysia
First Chinese Wedding
A Malaysian New Years
My Birthday - Malaysia Style
Our Awesome Church Family in Malaysia
Sleepover with the youth from church
We went to Singapore, but I guess I never blogged about it...sad day!!
We went to India...Twice!!
Celebrated our 2 year anniversary in Chicago!!
Year 3:
A look back on 5 years of dating...this includes some Singapore pictures :)
We bought a car!
Gary lost his Grandfather
We got dirty in the Warrior Dash
First Marriage Retreat!!
One of Many No Shave Novembers
We went camping for our 3 year anniversary!!
Year 4:
Gary turned the big 3-0!!
New Zealand in a few days, which included an SFT Workshop
Oregon/Cali for Brandon and Kelsy's Wedding
I lost my Grandfather!
We got pregnant!!!!!!
There was no anniversary trip because we were too busy lovin' on our Wrennie!!
Year 5 has pretty much evolved around our sweet little baby, but it's been soooo fun and I love seeing Gary as a Daddy!!
Our first Family Retreat.
Our first 4 day trip away from Wren.
A post I wrote about Gary :). Love him!!
A look back on our sweet girl's first year!
Last weekend after the wedding was complete and I taught my Sunday morning 2 year old class, we loaded up the car to the camp ground! First family camping trip was AMAZING!!!
This weekend, Wren is staying with my parents and Gary and I are headed to East Tennessee for a friend's wedding and a little alone time ;).
I love this man and have loved every minute of the past 5 years of marriage!!! I've loved the sad times, the happy times, the hurtful times and the shameful times because no matter what I know that he loves me and that's the best feeling in the world!!
Happy Anniversary to my sweet sweet husband!!