Thursday, December 30, 2010


Remember a couple weeks ago when this happened?  Well, the guy who came and fetched me has a birthday on the 3rd, but we are celebrating tonight!!!  I asked Gary to run down to the gift shop at the hotel and grab a card, but there weren't any, so I decided I was going to make a card.  I didn't want it to be boring so I googled pop-up card and here is final product!!

I even used an exacto knife to cute the stars out of the white paper so the blue would shine through.  It's almost like they are begging us to have craft time at work because they provide exacto knives, glue sticks, colored paper, and the internet!!  The outside is just going to stay plain because I don't have time to get creative and I don't want to make it look bad.  I hope he likes it!! 

Also, remember on Tuesday night when we were playing on the computer?  Well, we came up with this idea...

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

We wished it was a birthday one, but we figured since it's so close to Christmas then it could double as a birthday card too!!  I just love jib jab as you can tell!!

Ok look for a blog about the birthday party tomorrow!!

Happy Birthday Matthew!!!


Anonymous said...

GREAT job on the birthday card!! Super cute!

nat said...

Love the birthday card!

Juliane McCorkle said...

I'm impressed! Good job!