Friday, November 19, 2010

When Life Throws You Lemons

We have all heard of the phrase, "When life throws you lemons, make lemonade."

This post was first supposed to be about those times when you are thrown rotten lemons.  What do you do?  What do you say?  What do you think?

However, today the lemons were revived and are fresh and yellow again.

So, here's the story...

Yesterday my account manager, Hafiz, pulled me into a room and broke the news that we were going to have to work on Sunday.  Well, that was just completely heartbreaking to me.  I almost started crying as he was talking.  However, I held my head high and tried not to say anything because if I did I would break out into tears.  He explained to me that we wouldn't be able to work on Saturday (which is when we usually work our weekend OT) because they were going to be working on our systems so that only leaves Sunday.  We are very behind in our work right now and if we don't take the extra time now it will only get worse later.  So, I begin to think you know it's just one Sunday, but really just one Sunday means a lot to me.  I was very upset when I got home last night and had to break the news to Gary because not only is it the Lord's Day, but he is starting his bible class lessons on SFT material.  Yes, I have heard it a thousand times, but you know what has become my favorite part about listening to it now?  People's reactions!  I love to see their faces when he points out things they have read over and over again and never thought of it that way.  I love to hear them chit chat about  the stories and how they can use these skills in their own life.  Most of all, I love to see people fall in love with SFT!  A third reason I need to be there is because I agreed to take the church member pictures this Sunday and next.  Not being there just throws the whole process another week behind.  So, how do you deal when you are thrown rotten lemons?

YOU PRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

This morning our other account manager, Rami, came to my desk and asked me to come with him to get my opinion.  I ran to get some water first and as I walked there and back I prayed that God would help me have the right words to say if the topic of Sunday came up.  I prayed that they would tell me it was cancelled or that possibly I didn't have to come in.  The reason I do have to come in is because the other guy who is here from Nashville is in Singapore this weekend and I am the only other one here to answer all of the questions.  So, if the overtime is still scheduled I have to be here.  Needless to say, that meeting had nothing to do with the overtime and so I felt like I had an unanswered prayer (even though I know God answers all of our prayers).  Later this afternoon, we had a meeting with the whole team and Hafiz told the whole team the reason they were having Sunday overtime was because of the IT work on Saturday.  However, they talked to the big dog and they decided that the Nashville and Dublin offices could handle everything and we wouldn't have to work over the weekend!!  WHAT!!???!!!  Did I just hear that???  Oh yes I did!!  Oh the power of prayer, it gets me everytime!

Say your prayers,

1 comment:

nat said...

What the heck does SFT stand for?