I have mentioned these
new parties that people are having. Well my sister decided she wanted to have one as well. I wasn't sure if she was going to tell me what the baby was before the day, but she did :). She found out on Thursday afternoon (May 3rd) and she called me while I was at work. I really didn't care either way, but I had in my head what I thought it was going to be :). So, my cousin, Elizabeth, and I left right after work and school on Friday to head down to Arab to help my sister get ready for this party. I love decorating things!! But the most fun is decorating cheaply!!! I take great joy in making something look beautiful at very little cost!! Thankfully I have great family and friends that assist in this talent. That's something you have to have in order to pull it off, I truly believe...ANYWAY!! I told Shelley I would be in charge of decorations. The only thing decorating wise that she provided was the pink and blue and table clothes and the balloons, everything else was all me!!! I have to add that the table clothes were only a $1 each anyway :).

Here is the Boy Table. I thought I got a picture before this, but it's the only one I have. That's Jack getting some blue kool-aid. There is also blue decorated cupcakes with little cupcake toppers that say it's a boy. I previously purchased those for my
diaper cakes so for this party they were free! You can't see them in the picture but there is a mason jar with blue tissue paper and bow ties on a stick. The bow ties were made by my cousin, Elizabeth, out of previously purchased scrapbook paper. The bow ties were used when we took the big group pictures. Then of course some blue kool-aid in one of my mother-in-law's drink dispensers (see the fam came in handy). The blue B was less than $2 at Hobby Lobby and I got a roll of blue ribbon for less than $2 as well. I already had the
blue paint from
canvases. So all together with the cost of the table clothes, this decorated table cost us about $5.

Here is the pink table and the cost was about the same! Oh yeah I forgot to mention that my uncle has those cupcake stands (see I borrow a lot of stuff :)). The picture prop for the girl voters is bows, also made by Elizabeth.
I bought some chalkboard spray paint (I think this was the most expensive item costing me about $8) and spray painted several things. This is actually my frame that holds our wedding picture that hangs in our living room. It was a bit dramatic and the glass actually broke but it's all good. These are Shelley's answers for the Old Wives Tales. Which one do you think it points more to??
This is another frame from my house, but I didn't put the glass in it so that people could cast their vote as they arrived. I got the chalk from Hobby Lobby for about $2, I think. It has several different colors, but it was the cheap chalk and it breaks super easy. It also isn't very bright. I think next time I might spend the extra dollar or so and get the crayola chalk.
I also found an old cork board at my sister's the night before the party that I painted and wrote Baby Sharp Coming September 2012, but for some reason I can't find the picture I took of that. It's really cute...just trust me!! For the centerpieces on each table I had mason jars with pink and blue tissue paper stuffed in them and then sticks that Elizabeth and I painted pink and blue...FREE!!!!
Here it is!!! The way everyone found out. The whole night everyone was trying to figure out how they were going to tell. Some people thought it was in the cupcakes, some people thought it was the box, but nobody knew for sure. The box was provided by my uncle and then Elizabeth, my mom and myself painted it all up. The balloons were the only cost.
Now here's some snapshots from the evening...
Jared's grandparents wearing their blue!!
shooting the nerf guns
This is my granddaddy wearing my sunglasses. He actually wore them for most of the night because the sun was right in his eyes where he was sitting. I'm shocked he didn't rip them off his face!
All the blue voters with their bow ties. Don't worry I got close up video :).
All the pink voters with their bows!
Shelley's best friend Rachel and her family, full of girls!! They were voting for a boy, if you can't tell!!
Time to reveal...
IT'S A BOY!!!!!! There were more balloons in there, but I guess this is the only picture my dad got. I was manning the video camera (video coming later).
I am SOOOO excited!! I honestly the whole time thought it was going to be a girl and most people knew that, so I had to keep a huge secret!!!
Here we are with our bow ties!
Shelley and the proud Grand-dads
With Jared's Pawpaw. He was voting for a baby!!
With both grandparents!! First grandbaby!!! Oh I should probably link up to
their reaction when they found out they were having a baby :).
Easton Neil will grace us with his presence this fall! I am one excited aunt!!!
Happy Aunting,