Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Morgan and Wren

Don't you like the sound of Wren Riley??  Well, that's just one of the many options for last names that Wren will have with the boys that will be chosen as part of her arranged marriage options.

Sometimes I wish our culture did arranged marriages so I could choose who our in-laws will be :).  But Gary always says that if we raise her right she will be able to do the picking just fine!  He's so wise, that one!

A couple of Wednesdays ago Matt, Martha and Morgan were in town and we met up with them and Beth for dinner and church.  It was great!!  Matt and Gary get along great and it's always nice to get together with the roommates (even if we're not all there).

Morgan and Wren in bible class together.  He's soooo stinkin' sweet!!  He wanted to pick Wrennie up and carry her all over the house before church.  I LOVED IT!!

The group:
Beth, Matt, Martha, Morgan, Wren, me and Gary

Morgan had his eye on Chandler too!!  Monica also went to college with us and Morgan kept chasing her little girl, Chandler, down to give her a hug!  He's sooooo loving!!!

Matt and Martha are having another little boy soon and we can't wait for him to get here!!  They have picked out a name, but due to not knowing if they are making it public yet, I will refrain from saying what it is.  Just know that it's super cute and super different!!!  Can't wait to meet that new baby Riley!!


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