Last Saturday Reen, Frashilla, Jesenta, and Jonathan (from work) took us foreigners to Malacca. We left at about 8am and arrived in the city at about 10. Malacca is known for its historic sights. Please enjoy the pictures!
One of the restaurants had their menu on boards nailed to the wall and posts. And what in the round world is Carrot Milk (I think I just threw up a litte in my mouth)
I have a new obsession with doors. This was one of the doors on the old Christ Church building.
We were going to ride one of those boats, but didn't make it :(
Ellie, Reen, Frashilla, and me
The Old Christ Church. I think it's like the oldest church in Malaysia or something.
Frashilla, Reen, and John
They had boiled peanuts!!
A chinese temple
I don't really know who in their car driving the way they drive could ever read this!
We were kind of close to London...probably not the "real" London.
We saw a Chinese bride and groom. Of course I had to run over and get a picture of them!!
Frashilla, Reen, Ellie, Jonathan, me, and John
All of those on the right side are little shops
a really old fire truck
No parking!!
The inside of the old church. We weren't allowed to go in and take pictures for some reason!
Their brooms. I think they look so cool!
This is how Malaysian's spell it
This is how American's spell it. We do we have to be so difficult and just spell it the same?
Inside St. Pauls (or Xavior...we aren't really sure)
This was a visor with built in sunglasses and a solar powered fan. Also the sunglasses had a little thing so you could pull them off of your eyes!
This couple was standing there and I got this shot and then I told them they needed to give me their camera so I could take their picture.
Old tombstones
I like this different writing
The back of Saint ______'s
these trees are too cool!
This is inside the fort. This guys paintings were awesome and I almost bought some but when everyone else backed out so did I. I can be such a follower sometimes.
Canon with the fort in the background
I just thought this looked cool!
An old battleship
I just thought this church was beautiful!
Cendal...don't try it!!!!
I didn't not enjoy my life when I took a sip of that.
Up in the ship

1 comment:
1. The cowgirl hat was cute, hope you bought it.
2. I really could have used one of those hats with the solar powered fan at the Alabama-Penn State game, and many other times come to think of it.
3. The checkerboard grass reminds me of Alice in Wonderland.
4. Buy a painting the next time you want one.
5. You rock the house!
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