Thursday, February 10, 2011

Shout Out!!!

If you have followed my blog for any length of time you may come to realize that I love linking up to other people's blogs.  Well, this shout out is a special one because this blog holds a little special place in my heart.  I mean honestly you all hold a little special place in my heart, but I don't think that I have linked up to this blog yet and it's one that is worth reading, especially if you just couldn't get enough of my India posts.

A couple of guys from our home congregation, Highland Heights in Smyrna (not to be confused with the Highland Heights in Lebanon), hit the road air a couple of weeks ago for a month excursion in India.  I'm not gonna lie, I was a little jealous that they get to stay for a whole month, but honestly reading Tim's blog has made me feel like I am there with them.  He has an amazing way with words and has taken great pictures and video so far!  His co-traveler is Harry Anderson, who is an old pro to visiting India.  They have only been there a couple of weeks, but just like any India trip I have heard or read about, they have already experienced enough to last them a lifetime.  Keep up the great work guys and bring those souls to Christ!!!

Happy reading,

P.S. I actually follow a couple of other people who have been to India recently:
Emma - a girl I knew in college
Mrs. Sewell - FHU first lady, while I was in college

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