On Monday night we had another 2Hyrs adventure. This time we made crafts. They were supposed to be for our mother's and we going to give them to them for Mother's Day, but since we were a little late and I already gave my mom some very good gifts, I decided this craft was for me!!! I found all of the steps here and bought all of the materials at Ace Hardware and Hobby Lobby. I bought enough for 19 crafts, but only 9 people were able to come. I can still take the wood back I didn't use...if I want to :). Our friend, Lee, the tiler was gracious enough to come over and cut all of the wood up for us!
I wish I had taken pictures along the way, but I usually forget to do that :). In the original tutorial she did and she actually stained her wood dark under her yellow one. I didn't buy any stain and so when I was sanding my yellow one it wasn't looking right. So, I went back and painted over the yellow with grey and I must say I LOVE IT!!!!! Alison and I cut the stencil from the cricut machine we have at church. The negative of that was the holes for the O's, A's, D's and E's had to be held in while you were sponging in the letters. Some people found that to be a bit difficult. I want to try to improve this in the future and that would mean finding a different way to stencil. Also, the stencil was done out of cardstock and even though we made a few they kind of wore out by the end of the night and the paint started running through differently. It was fixable though and the last one that was done ended up being just as cute!!
I think the girls had fun and the adults that were able to come! I really enjoyed it and I think we should have craft night more often!!
P.S. There will be more pallet art gracing this blog in the future...maybe for a nephew's room???
Happy Crafting,