Yet another shout out here on the blog, however, this time it means more to me than you just going there to read about this person's life or adventure they went on. Nancy is Gary's (my husband) cousin who lives in Florida. Let me give you a little background on Nancy...She is a Christian first and foremost, she was a band director at a middle school, she is a member of our family, but most importantly she is a friend! Nancy (and her entire family) are some of the MOST fun people to be around! Even though we don't get to see them often, because of distance, everytime we do see them there's lots of laughter involved. I LOVE hearing old stories about all of the cousins growing up. Nancy is one of the oldest cousins of the "Barlar Clan" (Gary's mom's side of the family), so she has the most stories of them all! I feel as though this family welcomed me in and made me feel right at home, Nancy especially! I have always planned to go and visit them, but everytime plans get messed up. Now, I am going to have to work it into my plans to get down there and see her because she has been diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer of the liver. I have to say that I have been blessed beyond belief that my family hasn't been plagued by cancer as much as others, but now that Nancy is facing this it seems to be hitting home for me. Her brother, David, recently wrote a post on her blog about her financial state. I understand that everyone can't afford to give money, but we are mainly asking for prayers at this point! Nancy is a wonderful person who I know is struggling in so many ways and she will be honored to have her name lifted in your daily prayers. Please join our family in praying for Nancy and that God can heal her from this horrible disease!
Praying Fervently,

Praying Fervently,