and we found a trout hatchery. They had a museum, but we chose not to do that. We walked around the outside viewing spots of the hatchery and came upon a spot that you could see just how huge these trout are. In case you don't know trout fly fishing started in New Zealand and is very popular and if you didn't know my husband has recently really gotten into fly fishing. It took all he had not to want to grab a poll and start fishing for some of these big mamas!!
We pretty much just traveled most of the day and stopped at anything we wanted to because we could :). It was nice not to be in a huge hurry to get anywhere because we were able to make multiple stops and really enjoy the day. Rachel and got some gum boots for 'tomorrow's adventures.' Gum boots are what we call rain boots.
This picture was at a gas station early in morning. I don't really remember what day we saw this, but we thought it was crazy that meat pies were already out and ready for the taking.
SO many meat pies!!!!!
Next post: Hobbiton and Maori Experience
Happy Traveling,